Monday, April 23, 2007

Exams are an abomination

I haven't posted much recently; exam-time is upon me, and there is much weeping and gnashing of teeth. If I survive, I will post more on May 2nd. I have much to say about the Supreme Court's latest abortion decision banning "partial-birth" abortion, even aside from the fact that it overturns many of our Constitutional Law professor's elaborate and fascinating theories about what the Supreme Court considers a "fundamental right". I am actually rather curious as to what elaborate and fascinating theories his students will have to learn next year.

A lot of both Constitutional and Administrative law appears to be post-hoc explanation of decisions that were very obviously politically motivated. Except that no one mentions the political motivation in the decision itself, instead choosing to come up with very elaborate theories on why virtually identical fact patterns came out different. Which makes it very confusing for a political ignoramus (like myself) to learn.

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